2017’s Most Creative Date Ideas

By Alexander Poketvin    30-Aug-2017 17:46 UTC+02:00

Whenever you need to spice up your old relationship or impress someone on the first date, you need something unconventional. Although, there are people who enjoy conventional dates, in other words, typical having conversation in a cafe, you are expected to come up with creative ideas for a date. So, if you need to revitalize your old relationship or want to impress your prospective partner, check out the following list of unconventional date ideas. If it’s a first date, make sure that your love interest is not into conventional dating beforehand, or your creative idea may turn out to be a great disappointment.

Go to the Zoo 

Pick the time when the zoo is not overcrowded and go watch the exotic and cuddly animals. You’ll be surprised how many topics to discuss you will have afterwards.

Why Flea Market Won’t Do?

You or your partner likes shopping? Or maybe you both like shopping? If so, then a flea market is your perfect choice. Breezing an hour or two on a date while doing some shopping is something that unlikely make you bored. Besides, flea market usually involve food, drinks and some outside activities. It’s sort of like going to amusement park.

Amusement Park 

Speaking about amusement parks, it can be quite a great idea too. Although you may not be seventeen, it can still be a lot of fun. Holding hands in order to calm each other down on the roller-coaster, then take walk discussing how scared you were, may build up to quite unforgettable date.

Visit an Art Gallery 

Regardless of whether you or your partner is a real art buff or not, this is a great place to find a lot of conversational topics. You know… what the artist meant or how come that you can’t understand a thing from that picture or installation. You can definitely opt for less obscure galleries or photo exhibitions. But, make sure that none of you are suffering from Stendhal Syndrome.

Catch Some View 

You may go walking on the beach catching some breeze or wander in some scenic park, or even going to the forest. Pick up the some picturesque place, as it may work out as a perfect backdrop for your date.

Attend an Outdoor Concert 

You probably have common interests in music, so why not to go to some festival for to watch the performance of one of your favorite artists? It can really strengthen your relationships, regardless of whether it’s a first date or you’re together for quite long.

Take an Art Class 

It really doesn’t matter if you are a great painter or not. Actually, if you can’t draw your date may turn out to be quite funny, in the same time, taking an art class together will makes your bonds stronger.

Visit Aquarium 

There is nothing more romantically ambient than the dark-lit rooms of the aquarium. Walking through the half-lit rooms while gazing at your favourite sea creatures really helps in setting up a romantic mood.

A Ferry Ride 

Well, if you don’t want to drag a lot of things with you and you both enjoy catching some fresh air, why not to take a ferry ride? Catching fresh air, while taking some sights makes a perfect set up for having a romantic dinner in some cozy cafe or restaurant.

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