5 Ways To Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

By Steve Conway    29-Sep-2021 21:04 UTC+02:00

With the winter months fast approaching, people across the country are used to expecting increased energy bills, which can cause a certain amount of financial stress and worry. Logically, therefore, any step you can possibly take to heighten the overall energy efficiency of your home would be a good idea for your finances through the later part of the year, and beyond. Here are some tips on how to make your home more energy efficient.

  1. A Boiler Upgrade

Despite the initial outlay, you will very quickly begin to see the copious benefits of upgrading your boiler to the latest model.

The latest research into household energy bills and expenditure has proven beyond doubt that the boiler is solely responsible for over 62 percent of your overall household energy bills. As a newly upgraded boiler will naturally be significantly more energy efficient, you will certainly notice a decline in your latest energy statements.

  1. Loft And Door Insulation

An estimated and extremely significant one-quarter of the heat in an average family home is lost through the roof when the house is not properly and thoroughly insulated.

Not only does quality loft and door insulation save you money on your bills, but it can also add value to your property, and even positively affect your physical health and wellbeing.

  1. Save Water Wherever Possible

Simple changes can make a real difference to how much money you spend monthly on water, and subsequently on your hearing bills, with one of the most effective changes being the addition of a water-saving showerhead. This type of showerhead essentially restricts the amount of water that is allow through, without affecting the quality of your shower experience. Bear in mind, however, that if your shower is particularly low, or indeed if you have an electric shower installed, water-saving shower heads will not be anywhere near as effective.

  1. Install Energy-Efficient Appliances

The key to choosing the best energy-efficient appliances for you and your family is to invest in some quality items that you know will last.

In terms of appearance, energy-efficient appliances look exactly the same as non-efficient ones, so the only difference when upgrading to the former is simply a noticeable reduction in your household’s energy bills. Flueless gas fireplaces are a brilliant alternative to conventional fires and are universally accepted to be 100 percent energy efficient.

  1. Ensure Your Windows Are Draft Proof

A simultaneously beneficial way to improve both the aesthetic of your home and the energy efficiency of the property is to change the thickness and length of your curtains to as long and as thick a material as possible.

First, you need to identify the location of any current draft ‘hotspots’ in your home by simply holding the of your palm around the window edges. The easiest way to seal any drafts you discover is to invest in some quality compression seals that you can easily either glue or drill to the edge of the window frame yourself.

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