Cindy Trillo

Published Articles
    By Cindy Trillo On Friday, October 11th, 2019

    The Future of Banking Services and Money Management

    About 39% of bank executives admit that technology reduces operational costs, and 24% say it enhances customer services, according to research by Business Insider. Besides changing how people interact and handl... Read more »
    By Cindy Trillo On Tuesday, July 30th, 2019

    The Latest Technologies Aimed At Revamping Highways and Roads, Thereby Improving Road Safety

    14,000 people die annually in South Africa due to road accidents according to data from Road Traffic Management Corporation. According to the Automobile Association of South Africa, the trend is worsening despi... Read more »
    By Cindy Trillo On Thursday, October 11th, 2018

    Can South Africa’s Legal System Ever Work Smoothly?

    The South African legal system is flawed. A muddle of pre-colonial, western and common law principles has created a hybrid legal system with its own flaws. Without clearly defined boundaries through which parti... Read more »
    By Cindy Trillo On Wednesday, September 19th, 2018

    DUI Cases In South Africa Rocket By 15%, But Are Women To Blame?

    The South African Police Service (SAPS) have just revealed their 2017/2018 annual crime statistics and one alarming figure stands out. The number of drivers arrested for driving under the influence of drugs and... Read more »
    By Cindy Trillo On Tuesday, July 24th, 2018

    Debt Relief May Be the Answer to the South African Debt Problem

    South Africans who earn less than R7500 and have a total unsecured debt of less than R50,000 may soon have the opportunity to have that debt forgiven. If the Debt Relief bill is passed, millions of South Afric... Read more »
    By Cindy Trillo On Monday, July 16th, 2018

    Report Reveals How Best To Tackle Africa’s Housing Crisis

    Housing in Africa is already sparse. Therefore, the World Bank’s prediction that the urban African population will double over the next 25 years is a worrying statistic. At present, 56% of the continent’s ... Read more »