Chinese President Gets Bungalow at Zuma Nkandla Residence

By Ntokozo Sindane    01-Apr-2013 19:58 UTC+02:00 5
The home of President Jacob Zuma in Nkandla looks perfect for a postcard. The cost of the renovations to the presidential residence is said to be in excess of R200 million. – image -

The home of President Jacob Zuma in Nkandla looks perfect for a postcard. The cost of the renovations to the presidential residence is said to be in excess of R200 million. – image –

The residence of President Jacob Zuma in Nkandla, KwaZulu Natal, has been the subject of an unrelenting and heated debate in what is now known as the ‘Nkandlagate’ scandal. Despite the outrage from opposition parties and members of the public, an investigation by the Department of Public Works found no evidence of misconduct or mismanagement of funds.

According to The Mail and Guardian, the renovations at the home of the president will cost more than R200 million. President Zuma has been determined in his denial of allegations that South African taxpayers are footing this huge bill. He has repeatedly explained that the renovations are not as unreasonable as the media makes them out to be.

It seems the relationship between China and South Africa is a lot closer than most people realised. Reliable sources say that Zuma has set aside a bungalow in his Nkandla home for the Chinese president Xi Jinping. The news comes after the BRICS summit that took place in Durban last week. BRICS is the acronym for the countries that took part in the summit which include Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

From a distance, the presidential residence looks like a holiday resort in the middle of a beautiful, country setting. A medical clinic, a bunker, staff accommodation, a visitor’s centre and helipad are just some of the features that the president finds necessary in his home. His love for tea is also expected to be catered for by means of a small tea plantation and tea house.

The DA has been extremely vocal in its attack of the ruling party stating that the president is not justified in his actions. The DA is unsatisfied with responses from the ANC stating that all is above board as the renovations progress. The opposition party is also concerned that when the time comes for Zuma to leave his seat as president of the republic, he will keep the estate that the citizen’s money paid for.


  1. Snowball says:

    Our leaders remind me of the pigs from the book Animal Farm by George Orwell.

  2. Cwengile says:

    Madzan cafe 1976 Dutywa 5000

  3. Cwengile Mgedezi says:

    Jacob zuma you have rite to build your home bcz the most of president you have build homes… i dont understand why EFF act like that *zuma qhubeka wakhe khaya lakho*

  4. sibongile says:

    Is not fair 2 spent millions for building many mansions while other people sleep without eating

  5. tshakula andile says:

    hy south Africa
    we must remember that comrade Zuma it’s our president who have been illected by us and he is the member and the leader of the ANC… so let us be patient and wait until he’s term or contract ends…we our not saing comrade Zuma is innocent but let’s think about the dignity of our political party wish is the ANC.

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