Cooperation of Traditional Leaders and Government Will Promote Good Governance, says Mbethe

By Oliver Ngwenya    03-Oct-2015 20:21 UTC+02:00
National Assembly speaker Baleka Mbetha Image:news24

National Assembly speaker Baleka Mbethe.
Image: News24.

Speaking on Friday after meeting amaXhosa King Zwelonke Sigcau in Nqandu Great Place outside Willowvale in the Eastern Cape, Baleka Mbethe, the National Assembly speaker, said it is necessary for traditional healers and the government to work hand in hand in order to promote service delivery and good governance.

Traditional leaders expressed their concerns about the living conditions of people in rural areas. The traditional leaders concerns included slow government interventions in resolving traditional feuds, impediment of delivery of services by corruption, poor communication with municipal councillors as well as lack of resources. The Khoisan, AbaThembu and AmaXhosa Kingdoms were represented in the gathering.

The Xhosa King asked the government to build roads in the rural areas and improve the quality of education and agriculture. He went on to say they have decided to tell the government that they want the road to the kingdom as well as the roads which lead to the oceans they have in their area to be tarred. He added that the government has to give them one person to look at the problems faced by their kingdom.

Mbethe says it is a necessity to strengthen the relationship between the government and traditional leader. Mbethe continued to say, “What is most important coming out of this meeting between us from Parliament and the gathering of organisations as well as different traditional leaders is that it is a very important confidence-building mechanism so that we can maximise the extent to which we all work together.” She also said they have to incorporate one another in what they do and listen to one another in order to build South Africa. She went on to say without an understanding of each other’s perspective of where they come from will hinder progress.

She added that the government vows to fight corruption and fast track service delivery across South Africa.

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