DA Condemns Malema’s Statements at Rustenburg EFF Rally

By PAW    24-Sep-2013 14:13 UTC+02:00 2
The DA has condemned statements by the Commander in Chief of the EFF Julius Malema. Speaking at a rally in Rustenburg, Malema said that the ANC was worse than the apartheid government. – image – Ntokozo Sindane

The DA has condemned statements by the Commander in Chief of the EFF Julius Malema. Speaking at a rally in Rustenburg, Malema said that the ANC was worse than the apartheid government. – image – Ntokozo Sindane

Former ANCYL president Julius Malema remains as radical as ever. His outspoken nature has been credited for his exit from the ruling party. Even as the Commander in Chief of the new political party Economic Freedom Fighters, Malema speaks his mind with no fear or favour, especially when it comes to the party he was once a member of.

On Saturday, Julius Malema addressed a rally in celebration of the recent registration of the Economic Freedom Fighters as a political organisation. The rally was held in Lethabong in Rustenburg. It seemed Malema wanted to leave no stone unturned when highlighting what he thinks are the failures of the ANC.

Starting with the RDP houses, Malema was quoted in the media when he said: “Our people did not die for a house that will not last for three months…there is nothing dignified about the houses.” Malema is not impressed with the small size of the RDP houses which are often inadequate for a family to live in.

Moving on to the water and sanitation issue, Malema is surprised that the ANC is yet to supply water to some of the residents in the area as the task is not complex. He explained: “You just dig a hole and put a pipe to take water to the people. It is so simple.”

The first non-negotiable pillar of the EFF is the “expropriation of land without compensation for equitable redistribution”. Malema believes that black people will never own land under the government of the ANC which he finds disturbing considering that “our struggle is about land, Mandela was arrested for demanding land”.

The Democratic Alliance was particularly moved when Julius Malema compared the ANC government to that of the apartheid regime. On Monday, the spokesperson for the DA, Mmusi Maimane responded to Malema’s statements. He condemned the remarks: “It is wrong to create this impression among South Africans.” He added: “Apartheid was worse because it was a system of entrenched racism. Apartheid was worse because we couldn’t vote out apartheid. In fact, we couldn’t vote at all.” Things are different now and South Africans have a voice and they can use their vote to remove the ANC.

Malema blames the ANC for the deaths of 34 people at the Lonmin Mines last year. He fumed that it is only in South Africa where one will see 34 people killed and no one held accountable. Malema said: “There is a restless spirit at that koppie. We are going to tell the spirit that we are taking the economic freedom forward.” The Economic Freedom Fighters chose Marikana to host the national launch of the organisation on 13 October.


  1. Luke Spencer says:

    Its interesting that a “political” leader would refer to himself as Commander in Chief, a designation of military rank. It bears the telltale signs of someone trying to style himself after Adolf Hitler and the early Sturmabteilung (SA). Even the quasi-uniform, reeks of neo-Nazi roots. Funny for someone thats so vehemently against Europeans….

  2. lesiba says:

    Forward Eff forward

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