EFF to Seek Legal Advice on Pending Parliamentary Sanctions

By Oliver Ngwenya    20-Jun-2014 23:22 UTC+02:00 1

Image: Timeslive

The leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters, Julius Malema, has said that his party will seek legal advice on how to deal with the pending parliamentary sanctions for him and his party. Speaking during his party’s demonstration following their Thursday walkout of parliament, Malema told reporters that the EFF was in the process of consulting legal advisors on how to proceed with their revolution in parliament without getting into further trouble with the powers that be in the House of Assembly.

On Thursday, in the Cape Town parliament during a debate following President Zuma’s State of the Nation Address, the former ANCYL leader said that the ANC had murdered miners in Marikana. This was in apparent reference to the thirty four miners that were shot dead by the police during a wild cat strike in the Mpumalanga mining town of Marikana. Malema flatly refused to withdraw the statement when required to do so by acting speaker, Thandiwe Modise and was consequently asked to leave the House. The whole EFF entourage decided to walk out as well.

On Friday, they decided to stage a demonstration outside parliament. In his denouncement of the way his party had been treated by the National Council of Provinces Chairperson, Modise, Malema said his party was not in parliament to allow rules that had been put in place by imperialists to stop a revolution from happening. He argued that there was nothing wrong with the statement he had made about the ANC murdering the miners, adding that when the crime statistics declined, the ANC government announced that it had reduced crime in the country. Responding to the threat that he faced disciplinary steps, he said his party would seek legal advice. Adding his voice to that of his Commander in Chief, MP Bernard Joseph said the demonstration was a natural process in support of their leader.

However, it appears that the EFF may have chewed more than they can swallow. Apparently, Ms Modise is zeroing in on one of the EFF MPs who behaved in a disruptive and unacceptable manner. She added that she would consult the Hansards to ascertain if what the honourable MP had done constituted action that required disciplinary action.


  1. walter says:

    why you don’t behave like a gentlemen and start to get some support from influential people, give the middle-class/upper class some confidence.. but is like to ask my dog to play pool… impossible..

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