Floyd Mayweather’s domestic violence ignored

By Brian Harry    04-May-2015 16:52 UTC+02:00

100_2Floyd Mayweather beat Manny Pacquiao in a much anticipated fight yesterday. With all the hype surrounding the fight, Mayweather’s domestic violence against women has not really caught up with him. Yesterday he probably made an estimated $120 million, an average of $4 million a minute. Dead Spin wrote an article with all the details of all his past abuse incidents.

Since 2001, Mayweather has been facing accusations of domestic violence but it was only on two occasions that he had faced charges but did not serve the whole sentence. He spent 60 days in jail for a 90 day sentence for an incident in 2010, then served 2 days of house arrest and 48 hours of community service for allegedly punching an ex-girlfriend at the mall.

In 2010 it was another battering incident with his ex-girlfriend, Josie Harris. Harris says Mayweather tried to break her arm. He then served two months of a three month sentence. It started with his son Zion, who was nine years old at the time of the incident. He told the police,”He was punching her and kicking her in the head and he was stomping her on the shoulder,” Zion reported. Zion’s brother Koraun, 10 at the time, wrote to the police that he managed to flee the incident to call for help. The police then reported that Mayweather threatened violence on his sons if they called the police, and also threatened to kill and pour acid on Harris, his girlfriend at the time. After the abuse, she was treated for bruises on her forehead and chin at the hospital.

The boxing commission did not suspend Mayweather after he pleaded guilty to charges in 2011 and neither was he stripped off the title, but NFL star Ray Rice for example served a lengthy suspension after his domestic violence issues. Mayweather went on to defend Rice,”I think there’s a lot worse things that go in other people’s households. It’s just not caught in video,” He said.

After all, everybody is entitled to an opinion. Mayweather dismissed the accusations by saying,”Everything has been allegations, nothing has been proven. So that’s life.” When he was questioned about the 2011 incident he said,”Once again, no picture, just hearsay and allegations.”

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