The ANC Suspends Jacob Zuma Following His Backing of the MK Party

The African National Congress (ANC) has suspended its former president Jacob Zuma, a month and half after he announced that he would not be voting for the party and pledged his support for the new Umkhonto Wesizwe (MK) Party. In a statement released on Monday, 29 January 2024, the ANC said, “The ANC NEC took note of the announcement by former ANC President Jacob Zuma on 16 December 2023. He announced that he would be campaigning for another political party and further l... Read more »
by Staff Writer | Published 6 months ago

By Staff Writer On Saturday, December 16th, 2023

Zuma Says Won’t Vote for the ANC in 2024, Calls on South Africans to Vote for the MK Party

Former president of South Africa Jacob Zuma has announced that he will neither be campaigning nor voting for the ANC in 2024. Instead, he will be voting for the newly-registered Umkhonto Wesizwe (MK) Party. Zum... Read more »
By Patrick. M. Sigenu On Friday, November 24th, 2023

Open Letter to the IEC and Everyone Who Can Read It

Dear IEC Management Chairperson : Mr. Mosotho Moepya COMMISSIONER : Ms. Janet Love; Mr. Glen Mashinini; : Dr. Nomsa Masuku; Judge. Dhaya Pillay South African National Flag on political logos I am not sure wheth... Read more »
By Staff Writer On Wednesday, October 18th, 2023

Linda Sibiya Joins EFF Two Days After Adv. Busisiwe Mkhwebane

Former Ukhozi FM presenter Linda “Mr Magic” Sibiya has ditched the ANC and joined Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) ahead of the 2024 elections. The announcement was made on Twitter (X) on Wednesday m... Read more »
By Oliver Ngwenya On Monday, June 14th, 2021

Former DA Leader Mmusi Maimane Being Sued for R4 million for Defamation

Four former councilors of the official opposition of South Africa, the Democratic Alliance, have sued the former federal leader of the party for R1 million each for making what they referred to as defamatory st... Read more »
By Oliver Ngwenya On Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

Pan-African Parliament Fails to Elect President Amid Regional Clashes

Immediately after it went into session, the Pan African Parliament again erupted into the chaos that it has come to be known for. The session on Tuesday, which was meant to elect its president, could not go ahe... Read more »
By Oliver Ngwenya On Monday, May 31st, 2021

If We Do Not Renew ANC, SA Problems Won’t Be Solved – Mbeki

Former president of the ANC and the Republic of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, has revealed that he did not campaign for the party that he had led for many years after he was deposed because he did not believe in t... Read more »
By Oliver Ngwenya On Saturday, May 15th, 2021

The Ace Court Case: An Ace or a Last Kick?

It is becoming more and more evident that we may be seeing the last days of Ace Magashule as the country awaits with bated breath the results of the court action that he embarked on with the South Gauteng High ... Read more »
By Oliver Ngwenya On Friday, May 14th, 2021

Ace Magashule Lashes Back at Cyril-led ANC

As the African National Congress gathers momentum, the troubled Secretary General has dug his heels in and sought the arbitration of the Gauteng Court by challenging his suspension, seeking to, instead suspend ... Read more »
By Oliver Ngwenya On Wednesday, May 12th, 2021

ANC National Youth League Rocked by Age Scandal

The African National Congress Youth League was last week said to have been rocked by an age scandal involving the National Youth Task Team (NYTT). On Tuesday, Deputy Secretary-General of the party, Jessie Duart... Read more »