Generations Fans Want Mawande to Stay

By Staff Writer    19-Jun-2013 15:13 UTC+02:00 74

mawande-300x265In April this year it was reported that Mawande (Nambitha Mpumlwana) would be leaving Generations after her contract was not renewed. Millions of Generations viewers are not happy about this. Some of them sound really angry. If Generations executive producer Mfundi Vundla could read all their comments, perhaps he would consider bringing her back.

There are viewers who have threatened to stop watching Generations if Mfundi doesn’t bring Nambitha back. Below are a some of the comments from our readers (unedited):

Jump Case: Mxm- No ways we’re watching Generations again! Watch yourselves lose viewers.

Debra mabuza: Plz Mr Vundla let Mawande stay we love her she is the best thing we ever had,we love u Wandy plz dnt go mommy.

Chriselda Mphelo: SABC, you ought to think again about letting Mawande go. Generations is boring as it is, with her gone it will be worse.

Lister: U Mfundi u have done a mistake u will regret in this soap.

Nqobile Mzola: I wl mic u Wandi u de best thing in Generation i dnt lyk dis Mfundi Vundla anymore nw u cn go 2hell i wl never watch generations.

Anonymous: Mawande is the leading role in Generations alongside Sbusiso and I think that they are making a big mistake by letting her go no one is gonna watch that show anymore. Mawande is definitely the anchor of that show with her gone wats the use of that show. Mfundi think about wat you have done mxm.

Although the majority of viewers want Mawande to stay, I found one reader (Lunga) who thinks her departure won’t make a difference, life will go on:

Lunga: Generations won’t be boring just because Mawande is leaving, not that she was not a good actor, but then what she did was wrong by appearing late at work and all those stuffs. Nd besides even 2 Karabo ppl said Generations will be boring once she left bt then many of those are still watching Gen though. Ppl are so confusing yazi.

Nambitha will appear for the last time on the soapie in August since Generations episodes are recorded three months ahead of their airing. It was reported that the reason her contract was not renewed is that she was unprofessional and too hard to handle. She reportedly had a habit of arriving late and unprepared at work. Her fellow actor told the Sunday Sun that sometimes she never pitched at work, which would mess up the recording schedule and inconvenience everyone else.

However, Generations’ Executive Producer Mfundi Vundla said, “Mawande’s story has run its course. Nambitha was cast as Mawande due to her capabilities as an actress. Writing out the character has nothing to do with her talent.”


  1. Londy says:

    I’m one of those who will stop watching Generubish.

  2. Olwethu says:

    Its unfair that the mighty mawande is leaving mxm generations will be boring without you wandi

  3. Lungi says:

    I really think generations will still be good with her gone if she was being so hard to work with talent or no talent she should respect her craft

  4. Mollie says:

    May b they should let her go. If they bring her back because of viewers’ comments she might feel indispensable and become even harder to handle.

  5. keke polina says:

    Mfudi u make a mastake leave mawade netsoo we love generation bcause of her mxm

  6. pumlisa says:

    I’m gonna miss her 🙁

  7. Bridget bongiwe (14 years) says:

    Dear producers and creators of Generations. please dont let Generations be MBHEDORATION, you guys have to renew NAMBITHAs contract she is one of the best you have ever had. PLZ do us all a favour and renew that contract.

  8. Bikoism says:

    The truth you do not know black people is that Vundla is no longer an entity @ Genarations. When he started Generations in the early 90s, the story line was based in the township (set in Protea) with the Moroka family showing black people how to change their fortunes around. Then the private sector; threatened by a story line that showed blacks in a progressive manner got offended and withdrew adverts, forcing Vundla to surrender the story line and production direction to one of the Jesus killer Jew racists that control the SABC with advertising revenue from the private sector to keep the show alive. The private sector wanted a story line that show blacks planning to bring down each other, as it is happening right now as you also witness black actresses wearing weaves to insult African beauty and promote European standards. Check the credits, Mfundi is only mentioned as a creator and the current producer calling all the shots is Frederick Stark. Get the picture? And because you’re like Daily Sin readers who keep that racist tabloid insulting black people’s image alive, you keep on watching this nonsense in numbers. Look at Isindingo and 7 de laan and see white consciousness at work. No white drunken mothers behaving as reckless as Khethiwe. It’s a nice set up with actors portraying responsible parenting and ethical business etiquette because your enemies are telling your own stories through corporate blackmail. Stop financing your own destruction black people. They created AIDS and forced your government to finance drugs meant to expedite your destruction. Where is your mind?

  9. Nandipha says:

    Mxm mxm mxm u guy r selfish shm

  10. Magu says:

    I hate gnratn by now,wat really go on,lyk sbusiso z going 2 be out or wat?i’m stl countng on him.

  11. bokang says:

    Please whatever you do keep sibusiso he makes it interesting

  12. Minenhle Mkhize says:

    We all know now Mawande was bringing you’ll guys trouble or give u Mfundi Vundla a headache. But please try bringing her back to Gen. You may tried talking to her about her behavior towards her work or done something in some way trying to help her. Look, this actress is very very talented and brings Gen. to another higher level. Just bring her back and sign her a contract of 2years at least. If I were u. I wouldn’t renew her contract of what she has put me and the team through. But she is something special on Gen. Mr Vundla your viewers are so disappointed on u, dumping such a well known talented actress. Although u don’t wanna bring her back in Gen. Think of Gen’s. future. I really like the way Mawande acts as a Gen. viewer. So as other Gen. viewers. Although Gen.’s director played Mawande and Noluntu the same thing over and over again. Thinking his dead brother is alive. Noluntu playing tricks on her with the phone calls. Please bring back Mawande Mamela on your screen.Thank You/Ngiyabonga

  13. Wendy Motoboli says:

    Ja shym I’l mic Mawande bt if she z lyk dat den dnt renew her cntrct…she daznt dsrv t…

  14. Lihle says:

    mnxm nje guyz! its gonna b more dan boring nje without mawande.i won’t b intrested in generations anymore

  15. teby says:

    mxm boring …..bring mawade back

  16. malvin says:


  17. McDonald says:

    Mistakes happens, that’s when we’ve got to move on. Keep Mawande after all this is our show and we have every right to make demands. We are the ones who vote for the show so you don’t want to see us mad!

  18. Tshego says:

    Gen.s is gud bcz of ngamla nd wandy why d u wnt 2 fire hm?at least gv hm a secont chnc.she mk us 2 see gen evn in wntr

  19. Zuko says:

    Guyz wandi iz bck noba!

  20. brenda says:

    I don’t care about wandi whether she leave or stay…mara I can’t keep quite no more about what mvundla is doing to lil Dinny(Deneo) its so unfair misscarry now and then, mxm hayi suka

  21. Khulekani zondo says:

    Mfundi we thought u making it,u are behind or expectaion,we are looosing interest,what are benefits in yr story whn noluntu do such things 1stly she eye cachting charecter,4 sure am abwt quit wcthing our soepy,so pull up yr socks.generations sucks.nxx!

  22. Noluthando says:

    Mxm… Bt y alwyz lil dinny got miscarage nop Mfundi Vundla myk a plan pls wt nxt hyk start 2 b bored

  23. Michael Mandla mabasa says:

    Mxm bring wandi back gyz for our own sake……i don’t think someone could have done wht mawande did aftr Nolutu drugd her…….without wandi No more wacthing Gen…..MxM…..

  24. manketsi molopi says:

    still dont believe dat wande is leaving for good anyway just give her a second chance may be she will change or else generations is gonna bore like hell, especially after wat she did to noluntu

  25. felicia says:

    we soooooooo happy that shes finally back 😉

  26. mr flow says:

    tht bullshit holup holup bring mawande bck man mawande is gd on gen. Man dont do ths to us ,kanti i gen. Niyenzele oba ,beningafun kubuyisa mawande akwahlen ukub selfish nxeh.

  27. Lhee says:

    Let her go. Generations wil stil b better without her. She’s a gud actress bt if she’s hard to handle n cnt work well with others she MUST go. Generations is abt team work. ppl stop saying u r NOT gna watch GEN u will. Goodbye Nambitha ndikunqwenelela okuhle cc ingath ulibele ba this is SA nt Hwood

  28. nikkie says:

    mxm no more watching Generations

  29. Anonymous says:

    I so love that lady and when she was away i hardly watched Generations, please Mr Vundla every person deserves a second chance, she draws more views to watch the sopie, let her see how she is ruining her reputation by coming late to work, let her see how we love her and maybe she will be more serious about her work, please renew her contract i so love the super strong woman Mawande the CEO of YonaYethu.

  30. Anaye Tom says:

    You can’t do this to Mawande,she deserves more.I just love that women she inspires me with everything.She’s a very Good actress so Plz Mr Mvundla with all your respect let Mawande stay or Generations will lose viewers.I love you Nambitha(Mawande)Keep up the Good work.

  31. T.cole modisane says:


  32. gcina Nghcobo says:

    Ya she is good, she should have reaspeced her job like everyone else

  33. Thabo makhubalo says:

    Plz mummy be back in genaration.we luv u is better to c u we r great 4 u

  34. ntambudzeni rethabile nemasisi says:

    eix mxm im gonna mc hr xem lov u wandi

  35. Anonymous says:

    Plz jst brng our HErO mawande memela,evn thugh xe ddn’t ptch on her if ur a prsn u’l knw dat a prsn mke mstkes.i luv u wandi,im gnna miz ya.u lft whn we ddn’t expct it,so vundla brng wandi bck plz we ar bggng u

  36. Nhlonipho says:

    Mr vundla plz every make mistakes oh mj and noluntu they wil raise up without their mother do somethng so that the generatios wil be our favourit dram plz mfundi keep generation enjoyable. I wil mic mawande





  39. Leonard Njakazi says:

    Without Mawande and Sibusiso Generations is boring now if they is a knew directors there they are bringing generation back all good actors are going 2 isidingo now and Mfundi Vundla you are losing after all u have done no dont agree your equation must be balance u ur power actors now it Senzo and there boring child action nonono Mawande and Sbusiso must come back plz before u regreat thank u

  40. Coffee boy says:

    Mawande go fore ever she wll nt cme bck by noluntu a bludy chit! Gal;-)

  41. Bradley Nala says:

    Successful business men like Mfundi Vundla are the people who are representing South Africa proudly, Mfundi knows very well whats best for business and whats best for his business. You have open doors and created millions of opportunities for people. I thank you on their behalf. God bless.

  42. khanyi says:

    Honestly I think that generations is now VERY BORING without Mawande…and where is Sibusiso you guys show him on the introduction song but when are we really gonna see him! What is Happening in Generations nothing is adding up!!! I really love Generations though but @ the moment its really boring

  43. Lindelwa George says:

    Mawande is a bst actrss n we wnt her bck bt wth her behaviour we dnt nid her also thr r many bst actrss out thr so Mr Vundla u d da right thng coz sh wll do da same bcoz of the viewerz

  44. KUDZI NYASOKA says:


  45. mmalefa says:

    i realy get bored when i remember that am not going to see wandy again.mfudi u better do somethi plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  46. mmalefa says:

    mxm i realy get bored when i remember that am not going to see wandy again.mfudi u better do something plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  47. Aphiwe Kodwa says:

    No vundla u ar mkng a big mstke im de nxt 1 who wl stp wtch Generation plz dn’t do dat

  48. Aro says:

    Thats why s.a’s soapies will never be like american soapies,in america they know when someone is best for business,s.a producers dont care whether we want her to stay or not,to them its just a soapie,they dont care who watch it,why we watch it,because of whom we watch it,they have no skill and knowledge about television.if u dont care what the fans say,then dont expect ur soapie to win awards.

  49. katlego says:

    generation is bouring without mama wandi .mr mfundi plz bring he back just for the better

  50. Anonymous says:

    We mic u wandy

  51. Anonymous says:

    I lv mawande bt now she is gone bt generation is still going to be gud

  52. Olo... says:

    Kanti Mr Vundla ain’t y0u suppos to keep y0ur fans happy if u are n0t renewing wandis c0ntract y0u are chasing them away bhuti………

  53. zenande says:

    i want mawande back we love u wandy

  54. MBALI says:


  55. Confidence says:

    We miz u wandi

  56. wiseman from the east says:

    Gen is stil nice without mawande after all so what

  57. Anonymous says:

    Vundla sisicelo plz khawubuyise uWandi.uWandi besenza sibenomdla thina babukeli baka gen. Plz plz.

  58. Anonymous says:

    Noba wenze ngath ubuyiswa yilento ka Mj.kungona aready 4 ukumxelela ngokwakhe utatakhe. Zininz indlela onombuyisela ngazo.plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  59. Anonymous says:

    Vumdla sicela ubuyise u Wandi noba wenzengath umbuyisela uzoxela ngokwakhe utata ka Mj.

  60. Anonymous says:

    Vundla mbi ugen ngk akabhadlanga,khawubiuise u Mawande mamela,eze ebantwaneni bakhe

  61. Anonymous says:

    Kunini kithethwa into enye nawe

  62. Kathphel says:

    Thank you tatuMkhulu for bringing back our Wandi. I love ths woman. Generations lost so many viewers bcause she wasnt around n thnk you for firing Scott, didnt like hs part namaQhawekazi..
    From 8million viewers to 5million..i give it to Nambitha she ws the reason yr viewership decresd. Im so glad tht nw both u n Nambitha have swallowd your pride n u wll work well togethr…
    I cant wait to welcome Wandi!!!

  63. Anonymous says:

    She must have Ngamla as her husban:-*

  64. Nonhlanhla gcumisa says:

    Y let good characters go,and bring boring ones.generation is no longer d boring now d reason we watching it is bcs of sbusiso now and hes starting to bore us nw dat he dnt recover.

  65. Anonymous says:

    Yhuuu guyz andisamngxamelanga u Wandi ade angene ude angene nini na?

  66. Anonymous says:

    Uzotsho abhadle ngk ugen wonke umntu uzobanomdla.siyabulela Vundla ngobuyisa u Wandi enkosi kakhulu

  67. Amahle says:


  68. olona says:

    maka buye wethu u wandi,kumke u priska ungcolele u chrisie

  69. sbu says:

    If u watch on the old generation it so nice and funny again I wish it could be the same as this 1 if connie Ferguson comes back and pamela nomvete with her drama against the morokas mawande it will be much better and fun. I love the new designer of siqalo court

  70. Larry says:

    Voetsek Mfundi u b*** !!!!!!
    Mawande is an irreplaceable character….every1 deserves a second chance u dog!!!!!….Frm nw on m an Isibaya fan nxa

  71. zanele says:

    .Oh please don’t let Mawande go. We love Mawande @ we don’t like Priska just let her go (Priska)

  72. smangele nene says:

    baba umfundi vundls siykucela bandla ubuyise u mawande no sbusiso aykabi baba akekho oyo actor njengabo they realy good for gen plzzzzzz baba umfundi vundla siyakuhlonipha futhi siyakuthanda wasakhela i soep emnandi

  73. Nosiphiwe says:

    Plz wandi come back

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