Kenny Kunene ‘Enjoys Gang Rape’

By Ntokozo Sindane    17-Apr-2013 04:27 UTC+02:00 7
Kenny Kunene is known for eating sushi off women’s bikini-clad bodies at his nightclub. – image -

Kenny Kunene is known for eating sushi off women’s bikini-clad bodies at his nightclub. – image –

Kenny Kunene has been out and about leaving dropped jaws and controversy along his trail. Kunene, wealthy socialite, entertainer and businessman, has been very open about his sexual prowess lately. Some believe that this is his attempt to divert attention from speculation that his business empire is in financial difficulty.

A week ago, the ‘Sushi King’ was a guest on 3Talk with Noeleen on SABC 3. This television talk show encourages public discussion about current affairs and issues of public interest. Kenny Kunene, who got his nickname by eating sushi off the bodies of attractive women in bikini’s, brought five of his girlfriends to the set. In all, he said that he has a total of 15 girlfriends.

Kunene has iconic status among youngsters who subscribe to the ‘Izikhothane’ lifestyle. These are teenagers who are interested in displaying their ‘wealth’ by buying colourful, expensive outfits and throwing wild parties that are often concluded with a fiery destruction of the expensive clothing.

This past Saturday, Kunene was invited to be a guest on a trendy radio show with Phat Joe and co-host, Pearl Thusi on Metro FM. His remarks left a bitter taste in the mouths of listeners around the country. When asked if it wasn’t perhaps his financial situation that was attracting this bevy of women to his bed, Kenny replied that he has always had a way with the ladies. He added; “Women are easy.”

What infuriated the public, and women’s rights groups in particular, were his statements that even when he was a teacher with less money than he has now, he could still attract beautiful women, some of whom were his students who “might have been under the age of 16”. A shocked Pearl Thusi retorted by pointing out to Kunene that those actions translated into statutory rape. Instantly, Kunene agreed.

The Mail and Guardian released a report that soon after the radio interview, Kenny Kunene went on to Twitter to clarify that he had only said that he had had intercourse with girls who went to school and not children who were underage. He also told his followers that some of the schoolgirls he slept with were older than him.

Kunene remains unmoved in the aftermath of his controversial remarks. He responded to Mmusi Mmaimane’s article in the Sowetan by telling Mmaimane to focus his attention on sexually satisfying his wife before Kenny did it for him. Mmusi Mmaimane is the caucus leader in the Democratic Alliance.

The editor of FeministsSA and known women’s rights activist, Jen Thorpe, voiced her concern that Kunene was “seriously belittling the experiences of rape survivors” with his reckless attitude when it comes to gang rape. Kunene had previously tweeted that he had enjoyed a gang rape by women.

Kenny Kunene has not been charged with any sexual offence. Michelle Solomon survived a rape ordeal and is now actively involved in initiatives that support women whose rights have been violated. She is convinced that pursuing a legal course of action against Kunene would yield no positive results. Solomon figures it would be better to rather find ways to interact with people who look up to the ‘Sushi King’.


  1. Tim says:

    Well, the man is obviously an idiot, but so are the women who sleep with him. They are old enough to see that what they are doing is wrong. It’s not like he points a gun at them or something. All of them are setting a bad example to the youngsters. Kunene is not the only one to blame here, unless women are considered to be brainless.

    • pearson says:

      Why is it “wrong” for these women to sleep with him? (Kunene).

      Why do you think these (young) women have a DUTY to set an example to others?
      Since when were you appointed to be an arbiter of public morals, that entitles you to condemn these women as “brainless”?

      This article only skims over the evil, the crass stupidity and criminality that is Kenny Kunene, but you? you blame the women.
      You are an idiot.

      • Tim says:

        I won’t dispute you when you call me an idiot, but I think you are an even bigger idiot. I didn’t blame the women here. I said both sides are to blame, not just Kenny. 1. Your first question indicates that it is right for these women to sleep with him. I think it is wrong because they know he has other girlfriends and is much older than them. I know very young girls who are wise enough to see if something like this is wrong.
        2. I think that everyone has a duty to set a good example to others. By sleeping with a famous man they are doing something that will be seen by the whole world and they know it (unless they are idiots of course). Just because he is the one who is famous doesn’t mean he is the only one who must think what is right or wrong.
        3. I never condemned the women as brainless. I meant that if the world thinks they are not wise enough to take good decisions for themselves then it means the world considers women to be brainless. These “young” girls are actually adults who are able to think for themselves. They should not make themselves so cheap. They also need to set a good example to other young women.

  2. Sidney Johnson says:

    Money does not buy class, class is something you either have
    or you don’t. As the old saying goes, “you can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s

    And if the man, by his own admission on the radio as had sex
    with under aged girls he should be arrested and charged irrespective of who he

  3. Next says:

    ‘He also told his followers that some of the schoolgirls he slept with were older than him.’

    Q: How old is this dude?

  4. Dan says:

    I think this guy is a Devil worshipper.

  5. sh¡¡¡ says:

    that guy is reach dont be so galers

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