Kenny Kunene Makes a Return to the Political Arena with his Own Party: Patriotic Alliance

By Staff Writer    27-Nov-2013 21:12 UTC+02:00 17

Kenny KuneneJust three months after leaving Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), Kenny Kunene has registered his own political party called Patriotic Alliance. It is unclear when the party was registered. However, reports about its registration first surfaced on Wednesday afternoon.

According to the political party list on the IEC website, Patriotic Alliance is one of the 129 parties that are registered at national level and the name of the person who registered it is Thapelo Kenny Kunene.

There is another IEC-registered party from Umthatha which has a comparable name, the Patriotic Movement of South Africa (PAMSA). Perhaps this will cause confusion among some voters.

The Sushi King left EFF in August this year, citing his popularity as the reason for his leaving. He believed that his presence made some members of the EFF uncomfortable. It was suspected that there was bad blood between him and EFF leaders. There were rumours that he was pressured to leave the party because of his notoriety. However, EFF spokesperson Mbuyiseni Ndlozi said Kunene left the party on good terms. Clearly, he was already in the process of forming his own party because reports indicate that the consultative processes for the formation of Patriotic Alliance began four months ago.

The Citizen reported that the party will be launched officially on Saturday in Paarl, Cape Town.

Earlier this year, Kenny indicated that he had intentions to join the adult entertainment industry, an idea that his business partner and friend Gayton McKenzie was against. After this, they decided to go separate ways. However, it seems like Kenny changed his mind and they are back together. McKenzie is expected to be part of the launch of Patriotic Alliance and address the media at a press conference that will be held after the party’s first policy conference.


  1. KyleBence says:

    Oh you have got to be fcking kidding me, this is just ridiculous. This country is probably the biggest joke to international politicians ever

  2. dmxido says:

    This is a joke, so not money means u political minded???? What the F**

  3. ndivhuwo says:

    and i want all de details on how i join dis party, use ma email to send me the details. Its serious hey

  4. simon says:

    This man will take states money and buy imported clothes, this is a joke, Kunene must stick 2 sushi cz he is not a leader. Leaders are born, not made

  5. Tebogo says:


  6. Setumo says:

    Go big mr sushi but hey…you can’t full us

  7. Creamsoda says:

    Tenders are running out. So the moron wants a seat in parliament to get his hands on tenders.

  8. Mr Cape Khayelitsha says:

    So the poeple’s tax money is the new mine mos…….
    I jus wanna say I hate all south african leader starting from the president down to opposition parties.

    Im black and Im not Proudly South african.

  9. Bright hosi yamganga says:

    S.A Politics are going somewhere wher it’ll never come back.Malema get money from no where then he started his Kenny aah guys comeone.leave us in peace.

  10. Miss p says:

    The only people who are going to vote for this party are the IZIKHOTHANE,thanks Kenny for givin them a party to vote for……South African Politics is a joke realy.

  11. lollypop says:

    Hayke bantu benkosi ndoyisiwe. Obviously politics is the latest”get rich quick scam”. I still have an image of Kenny Kunene eating raw fish frm some poor girl’s naked ass ngoku he expects me to put him in charge of my future. Is it jst me or do all SA leaders think we’r idiots?

  12. Algie says:

    I think these is the best thing ever happened in SA

  13. Pule says:

    Pls suply me with further info abt da party it’s interesting

  14. Alfa lefuphana says:

    Ah wtf

  15. Pontso mokgola says:

    I think it’s a positive move for him, that shows his concerns in the south african politics and government and I assume he means well standing up for the nation

  16. Mr Wells says:

    I think that if you put your mind to it you can do anything and if he believes he can change South Africa and so be it

  17. mahubedu robert says:

    Kenny is gud to run a polotical party cos he has sumthing in his pocket,he wil neva enrich himself with government,s money like what’s happening in our country.I m ready n prepared to join hands with to escape the lives of the poor people of S.A.Please give me Patriotic Alliance’s contacts

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