Mugabe Dismisses Gay Rights at the UN General Assembly

By Oliver Ngwenya    29-Sep-2015 18:55 UTC+02:00
The Zimbabwean President rejected the administration for gay rights in Zimbabwe Image:africanexecutive

The Zimbabwean president rejected the administration for gay rights in Zimbabwe.
Image: African Executive.

On September 28, at the 70th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA ) meeting, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, the President of Zimbabwe, dismissed calls from the United Nations to administrate gay rights in Zimbabwe.

Speaking at the UNGA meeting, Mugabe said that upholding human rights is the obligation of all member states, but intensely rejected the infliction of what he called “new rights” for gay marriage that have been encouraged and supported elsewhere in the world.

The nonagenarian leader, who previously called homosexuals “worse than pigs and dogs”, told the members of the General Assembly that, “We equally reject attempts to prescribe new rights that are contrary to our norms, values, traditions and beliefs. We are not gays. Cooperation and respect for each other will advance the cause of human rights worldwide. Confrontation, vilification and double standards will not.” A spokesman for Mugabe’s ruling party, the Zimbabwe African Union-Patriotic Front, said same-sex marriage had no place in Africa.

Mugabe went on to say Africa is looking for partners in massive infrastructure development, in creating and exploiting the value chains from the God given natural resources and in improving the quality of life of the African citizens. The entire world stands to benefit from an economically empowered African continent than from one weakened by deprivation and with an over dependence on others. He added that the continent doesn’t need handouts. Mugabe has long criticized that there is no African country with a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council also called for United Nations reform.

The Zimbabwean President added that, “We are disappointed that we have lost the opportunity of this anniversary to address this burning issue of the reform of the United Nations Security Council in a manner that satisfies the just demands and expectations among us. I wish to reiterate our strong attachment to Africa’s common position of the reform of the Security Council.”

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