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Murderer sentenced to 15 years in prison

By Smanga Kumalo    01-Feb-2013 14:40 UTC+02:00

Smanga Kumalo — A convicted murderer, Elliot Resemaye Masingi was sentenced to 15-years’ imprisonment yesterday at South Gauteng High court.

Judge Moroa Tsoka told the court that in 2002, Masingi unlawfully and intentionally killed a young defenseless Nosiphiwo Zenzile near Olifantsfoein in the district of Thembisa, Ekurhuleni.

“The accused is the first offender and he has shown no remorse. The deceased was a young defenseless member of the community but she was brutally killed. At the time of the incident, the accused was not a young man but a father of four children,” said Tsoka.

On April 16 2002, Zenzile was together with some people at Olifantsfontein when Masingi, who was her estranged boyfriend arrived and requested her to accompany him to his room to fetch clothes. The deceased (Zenzile) refused but upon persuasion, she accompanied him.

Along the way, Masingi assaulted her whereafter, he produced a firearm and shot her. Zenzile died on the scene as result of a gun shot wound to the head. It is believed that the cause of the incident is due to the fact the deceased had left the Masingi for her ex-boyfriend.

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