Open letter to the late Thobile Theo Mabusela

By Sinethemba Mandyoli    04-Dec-2012 13:59 UTC+02:00 4

Dear Tata u Theo Mabusela

I am sure that you are getting this letter resting and looking back at the massive contribution you had towards the liberation of not only Azania but Mankind. I am sure that you are getting the re-assurance and the reward for the sacrifice you made, suffering you endured. I am one of the many that you infected with your smile and your love for Azania.

I am not good at bidding farewells, I am not good at visiting people on their sick beds, I am also not good at attending funeral and church services. My reason is simple I would like to remember you as that one strong courageous person who would walk from Kuyasa to Site B just to buy a newspaper. I don’t want to see you soulless, fragile, frantic, exhausted, and most of all powerless. Ask that to my father he will tell you I didn’t even attend his funeral because of that.

Please pass my greetings to all the warriors this land has ever produced, and tell them that they are happy where they are because they do not see the suffering that the Afrikan race is facing. Tell them we are now more in danger now that we have a majority rule than when we were ruled by minority.


Sinethemba Mandyoli

PAC & PAYCO member


  1. nyameko says:

    RIP nyanesizwe

  2. nyameko says:

    Siyabulela singo thuse , sininqwenelela
    Impumelelo ngo 2014


  3. nyameko says:

    Siyabulela singo thuse , sininqwenelelaImpumelelo ngo 2014RegardsN.Mabusela

  4. Mzwnke Mfiki says:

    Waybeka kakuhle Sinethemba mfondini. Ndiqinisekile uNcamashe, uMsuthu, uMvulane, uThuse aliphathwa, uThuse lyabengezela, uncume olukablankethi eseNqabarha xa esiva lamazwi amnandi kangaka. Nyameko ndodenkulu, nazi izihlangu mfo zinxibeni nobhuti benu ooLunga noZolani, nithathe apho iyeke khona lendoda.

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