Oscar Pistorius Wants Bail Conditions Relaxed

By Ntokozo Sindane    10-Mar-2013 04:48 UTC+02:00 1
Oscar Pistorius and his legal team believe his bail conditions are 'too harsh'. - image- www.news24.com

Oscar Pistorius and his legal team believe his bail conditions are ‘too harsh’. – image- www.news24.com

It looks as if Oscar Pistorius’s defense team is quite intent on getting him as close to ‘free’ as they can. The team has not been idle since Oscar’s bail hearing last month. Oscar Pistorius became an inspiration to the whole world when, as a double-amputee, he competed against able-bodied athletes at the Olympic games.

Unfortunately, Oscar became the center of global attention for the wrong reasons recently when he allegedly accidentally shot his girlfriend. Reeva Steenkamp, a popular model and television personality, was shot while in the bathroom of the athlete’s home. Oscar said that he thought burglars had entered his home and he thought he was protecting Reeva when he fired his gun. It was only after the shooting that he realized the horrible mistake he had made in a moment of panic and fear.

The state granted Oscar Pistorius bail at R1 million and included some strict bail conditions. Based on a report by The Independent, the defense team lodged a request to have the bail conditions relaxed this past Friday at the North Gauteng High Court.

The conditions of Pistorius’s bail include regular tests for drugs and alcohol, reporting to the Brooklyn police station, no international travel and no entry into his home where the incident occurred early on Valentine’s Day. Oscar and his team believe that the bail conditions are unwarranted. On the issue of travel, they are very confident that the higher court will see eye to eye with the defense based on the fact that Magistrate Desmond Nair also concurred in the bail hearing that Oscar was not a flight risk.

To address concerns that Oscar Pistorius might want to re-enter the competitive, international arena, his agent Peet van Zyl said that he was not aware of any plans that Oscar has to travel. He also confirmed that Oscar has “been withdrawn from all international competition”. He added that Oscar had not even been training since the death of Reeva Steenkamp.

The whole world is waiting anxiously for 4 June when Oscar returns court.




  1. Candy says:

    Oscar must rott in jail for killing an inocent soul and this man znd his team are liars , Reva cried at that time even neighbours heard her bt oscar continue to kill her . Why .. Just must be done.

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