Oscar Pistorius’s Online Activity Proves Nothing

By Staff Writer    24-Feb-2014 22:39 UTC+02:00 3
The trial of Oscar Pistorius is scheduled for 3-20 March 2014. – image - www.theguardian.com

The trial of Oscar Pistorius is scheduled for 3-20 March 2014. – image – www.theguardian.com

Last week some of the evidence that will be presented by the prosecutors in the Oscar Pistorius case leaked to the media. Members of the public expected to see facts that would unequivocally prove that Oscar intentionally killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp last year. However, some of the leaked evidence seemed too weak to prove beyond reasonable doubt that Steenkamp’s murder was premeditated.

Pistorius fatally shot Steenkamp on Valentine’s Day in 2013. He claimed that it was an accident. He believed that Steenkamp was an intruder. After appearing in court last year, he was charged with premeditated murder. His case was then scheduled for 3-20 March. The prosecution will attempt to prove that Steenkamp’s murder was no accident. With the current evidence, it is hard to tell if Pistorius is guilty of premeditated murder or not.

Last year it became clear that Pistorius was represented by a strong legal team. Nobody expected him to be granted bail. If the prosecution does not have solid evidence, he could walk free, even if he is guilty. Some of the witness allegations, which were reported by the Mail Online and other sources, are ambiguous and refutable. One of them is Pistorius’s use of the internet on Valentine’s day. The prosecution believes that it undermines the picture of a loving couple spending time together.

Oscar’s use of the internet proves nothing. Many people these days can’t live without the internet. They use it everywhere. Some are so addicted to it that they use it even while driving, putting other people’s lives at risk. In a survey that was conducted in 2011, 19% of people admitted using the internet while behind the wheel. When couples are together, there are many things they do. The prosecution finds it convenient to assume that Pistorius ignored Steenkamp and surfed the internet instead of enjoying Valentine’s Day with her. It is possible that they were using the internet together in bed. Earlier today it was reported that he accessed adult and used-car websites. This does not prove anything. Unless he searched “How to kill your girlfriend”, his use of the internet on Valentine’s day does not prove that they were not having a good time.

However, some evidence indicates that Pistorius shot Steenkamp with intent to kill her. It is reported that “the number of shots, their grouping and their trajectory indicate Pistorius intended to kill the person behind the closed door.” Many people are convinced that Pistorius killed Steenkamp on purpose. Others say he is innocent until proven guilty. His case is set to resume next week and is expected to draw attention from all corners of the world.


  1. The Punisher says:

    If he doesn’t go to jail, he must be sent to a mental institution. How could he just shoot without confirming who was in the bathroom?

    • Jono says:

      No, if he isn’t found guilty of premeditated murder, he’ll be found guilty of culpable homicide. If he doesn’t get sent to jail, then all that will happen is that he’ll be declared unfit to own a firearm and his guns will be confiscated.

  2. Guest says:

    It’s not normal that the cricket bat is smeared with blood at end. It looks much like it was attempted to be wiped. It’s very unusual looking. Imagine the headlines if Reeva got the chance. Jail for him & athletic career over. I’d run in toilet if I’d been bashed. Her exploded head would have removed any bashing evidence. There were blood spots near his trophies. Why was he on Internet for 2nd hand cars?

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