We Did Not Pay Anyone to Join Us – Agang SA

By PAW    26-Sep-2013 21:33 UTC+02:00
Dr Mamphela Ramphele

The EFF has lost some of its members to Dr. Mamphela Ramphele’s Agang SA. – image – Timeslive

Tensions between the Economic Freedom Fighters and Agang SA have hit a new high. This comes after prominent Gauteng leaders of the EFF decided to seek greener pastures over the fence, in the Agang SA camp. Among others, Pule Matshitshe and Nozi Poswayo are the most notable defectors. Matshitshe was the provincial organiser while Poswayo functioned as the provincial co-ordinator of the EFF in Gauteng.

On Wednesday, these former EFF leaders and some of their followers were welcomed to Agang SA by Vanessa Hani and Moeketsi Masola. According to various media reports, Poswayo seems prone to changing her mind when it comes to political organisations. At some point in her political career, she was one of many who attended the case when COPE took their leadership battles between Mosioua Lekota and Mbhazima Shilowa to the Johannesburg High Court. Soon after that, Poswayo had a leadership position in the EFF. She now graces Agang SA with her presence.

Independent Online quoted Nozi Poswayo as saying that she decided to part ways with the EFF because she was not entirely convinced that land expropriation without compensation and nationalisation of mines were attainable goals. She said: “The other reason for joining (Agang SA) was that we believed nationalisation will never work. We are likely to lose investments in our country if we nationalise the key sectors of the economy. We also did not believe in the expropriation of land without compensation.”

On the other hand, Pule Matshitshe refused to be drawn into a discussion highlighting the ills of his former organisation though he did hint that power struggles and backstabbing had something to do with his decision to join Agang SA.

The Economic Freedom Fighters released a statement in response to the abrupt departure of members who “do not constitute 1 per cent of the members EFF has in Gauteng”. The spokesperson for the Economic Freedom Fighters Mbuyiseni Ndlozi had this to say: “We are aware that many defected because they were promised payments for the work they will do in Agang SA.” He added that the money that will be used to pay the defectors is that which is acquired from the “sweat and blood of mineworkers” alluding to Dr. Mamphela Ramphele’s interests in the mining industry.

Since the announcement that some members had left the EFF for Agang SA was made, the war of words between the two parties has spilled over to social networks. The Economic Freedom Fighters tweeted: “CIC (Commander in Chief): you can’t stop to think because there is no money. We are driven by ideas and our program. We are driven by the people.” The Twitter account of Agang SA updated this tweet: “We did not pay anyone to join us. These individuals realised mines cannot be nationalised without compensation all on their own.”

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