PAYCO’s Message of Support for the RMF Movement of the University of Cape Town

By Sinethemba Mandyoli    14-Apr-2015 10:22 UTC+02:00

This letter serves as a eulogy of a historic victory to the Rhodes Must Fall Movement (students and supporting staff) of the University of Cape Town.

To us, the Radical Pan Africanists, it has never occurred in our minds that a spark that can get the country talking would come from a “Liberal University”. This stems primarily from an understanding that UCT has always been hostile to transformation.

Now that the students have managed to get the country talking, we would like to urge you not to allow your struggle to be sold by the SRC or anyone else. Your strength lies on the collective that is each and every one of you – that is the only bargaining chip you have. As a political party that has experience in confronting structural racism head-on, we would like to suggest that you demand the following as a way to consolidate your position and revolutionary gains, prior to going back to normal student and staff life.

  1. Full immunity for all activists and their actions starting from 09 March to today 10 April 2015. Demand that the institution pardons all the activities you embarked on during the picketing and protests. History teaches us that White supremacy abhors being compelled into submission, as you have done. We know that they will employ the full might and cunning stratagems of all the available machinery to them to ensure that your lives are made arduous as long as you are in UCT.
  2. Demand the official renaming of Azania House. It is only befitting to demand that Azania House be officially named so that the footprint you have left in the history of South Africa is not erased once things get back to normal.
  3. Write a letter to the heritage council. Demand that the institution writes an application to the Heritage council to ensure that the legacy of SJR is erased in its entirety in UCT. The Statue should be destroyed so the past of SJR is dead and buried.
  4. UCT makes a declaration that the Estate of Rhodes was made out of Blood Money and therefore the Khoi descendants are the rightful owners of the land that is now UCT. Therefore, Khoisan people should officially engage in a conversation with UCT about how they would be repaid for their land. If the Khoisan people are willing, they should donate the land to UCT.

We acknowledge the enduring revolutionary spirit that you have demonstrated to show that the African child is tired of waiting and that the remnants of warrior women and men are tired of seating in debates every time the social ills manifest themselves in this nation.

We are in support of all your revolutionary actions that seek to restore the dignity of the African children and African people at large. Your actions have reinvigorated our determination for the total liberation of the indigenous Afrikan people from the clutches of the diabolic White Supremacy.

Homeland or Death, Victory is certain!

Youth to the forefront of transformation!

By Sinethemba Mandyoli

Deputy Chairperson

Pan Africanist Youth Congress of Azania (PAYCO) Western Cape


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