PJ Powers Lashes Out at Spar

By Chelsea-Summer Lodewyk    22-Jun-2015 22:59 UTC+02:00

Famous South African singer PJ Powers has lashed out at Tops, the liquor division of the Spar grocery chain.

For the month of June, Tops has been running a series of print adverts promoting alcoholic beverages with PJ Powers name on it.

Spars PJ alcohol campaign Pic: Channel24

Spar’s PJ alcohol campaign.
Pic: Channel24.

PJ, also known as Thandeka is a recovering alcoholic and has not touched alcohol in over five years.

Yvonne Johnston, her manager, has released a statement saying that not once did Spar attempt to communicate with her or PJ to ask for permission. Not only that she is not receiving any remuneration for the adverts that have been running for the month of June.

She went on to say that PJ, who has been out of the country during the course of this month, is deeply hurt and offended. They have emailed Spar and received what they call an insincere response from the grocery franchise.

Spar has taken to Facebook to explain the adverts. Saying that it is part of their Minister of Parties and Recreation campaign for June. The campaign focuses on pyjama parties and for this reason, the use of the word PJ is in all of their June ads.

However, Spar’s adverts have left a bitter taste in some people’s mouths, with some taking to social media to voice their shock and disgust at Spar’s campaign.

Some have said that the adverts are distasteful considering the fact that Powers is a former alcoholic. While others have said that Spar should run a full page apology to the singer.

Power’s manager has requested more images from the public on Facebook in order for her to deal with this issue legally.

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