Police Officer Dealing with Krejcir Case Was Paid to ‘Make Case Disappear’

By Oliver Ngwenya    22-Feb-2015 06:08 UTC+02:00 1
A SAPS Constable was paid to make a case disappear. Image: The New Age

A SAPS Constable was paid to make cases disappear.
Image: The New Age.

A former police constable is likely to face a charge after he allegedly withheld evidence and reports in cases linked to Radovan Krejcir and another to the killing of the former Rwandan Colonel, Patric Karegeya, it emerged from police reports on Saturday.

It was reported in the media that Constable Thabiso Kubyane has been arrested and will appear in court at the beginning of next month facing charges of withholding investigation evidence and reports in exchange for cash in the cases that he was assigned to investigate. According to a police spokesman, Kubyane was assigned to the cases involving the persons that are suspected to have been trying to kill one of the lead investigators in the case of Czech Republic business tycoon, Radovan Krejcir, police Colonel Nkosana “Killer” Ximba as well as the forensic investigator to the same case, Paul O’Sullivan. Three men are alleged to have been involved in the case and were all suspected to have been sent by Radovan Krejcir. It is alleged that when Kubyane concluded his investigations, instead of submitting his report to his superiors, he went about calling the relatives of the men who had been implicated by the scene of the crime, offering to make the case ‘go away’ in exchange for cash. The relatives are said to have paid him the money through the payment options offered by Spar or Shoprite.

When the other police officers heard about this, they went and searched his office where they discovered that there were two reports on the case, one which stated that there had been fingerprints at the scene of the crime and another report which said that there had been no fingerprints at the scene of the crime. The police constable is reported and suspected to have done the same thing in the investigation that happened at the Michelangelo Hotel in Sandton where Colonel Patrick Karegeya was found murdered on New Year’s Day in 2014.

According to Police National Spokesman, Colonel Solomon Makgale, the police would be charged only for the Radovan Krejcir case and was reported to be out on R10 000 bail.


  1. nika says:

    MaNtuli cnt poison her husband…the president cld b angry of so called suspiscion uba umfazi wakhe wa cheater

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