President Jacob Zuma wins second term

By Bongeka    18-Dec-2012 12:55 UTC+02:00 11

jacob_zumaPresident Jacob Zuma won a second term as president of the ANC at Mangaung on Tuesday. His victory was followed by a loud cheering which forced the lady announcing the results to pause for a while. Cyril Ramaphosa was elected as deputy president. Baleka Mbethe was re-elected as National chairperson. Gwede Mantashe also retained his position as the ANC’s secretary. The Treasurer General position was won by Dr Zweli Mkhize.


  1. Siya says:

    100% Zuma 🙂

  2. Jackie says:

    This is bad news. We are stuck with Zuma until 2017. What is it that he has done for the country that makes people think he is a great president? I am perplexed.

  3. Damon says:

    Zuma is indeed unstoppable.

  4. Mondli says:

    We should not rejoice. There is nothing to celebrate. We should only rejoice when they have done the work they are supposed to do.

  5. Sam says:

    Let Zuma reign

  6. Khumza says:

    The important thing is service delivery not who the president is. 

  7. Lulu says:

    The sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement…

  8. Mindlos says:


  9. Safa yindlala ngenxa yaloZuma says:

    Safa thina bangasobaseNkandla yindlala

  10. Ndengezi ka Phangwa says:

    The Zumology concept is here to stay. Never under estimate a greatman and leader like Msholkzi. From a herdboy, to a leader of a well oiled liberation intelligence neteork, to a sound negotiator for SA democracy, to MEC for Finance, to Deputy President of a country, fired by an autocrat, returned to topple same autocrat and take over as leader of the laegesst and oldest liberation movement in Africa, became president of a country and re elacted to lead both organisation and country for a srcond term.

    This man was destined to be great. No one can take that away from him, they tried and still keep on trying. Wake up, the Zumology concept is God blessed, not man made.

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