Pretoria Teacher Suspended for Taking Pupil to Have His Penis Pierced

By PAW    09-Aug-2013 22:00 UTC+02:00 5
A Pretoria teacher has been suspended for taking one of his pupils to have his penis pierced. – image -

A Pretoria teacher has been suspended for taking one of his pupils to have his penis pierced. – image –

The classroom is supposed to be a place where a healthy transfer of information between teacher and pupil occurs. The teacher is in a position of authority and it is the duty of the teacher to ensure that the academic development of a pupil is not adversely affected while in the teacher’s care. Even outside the school environment, the teacher must maintain this type of relationship with students.

A teacher in Pretoria did not see things this way. He overstepped the accepted bounds of the teacher-pupil relationship by taking one of his pupils to have his penis pierced. Reports in the media say that the Department of Education confirmed the incident.

On Thursday, Gershwin Chuenyane, the spokesperson for the Education Department, did not want to elaborate on whether the teacher was facing criminal prosecution or not. He said that the department “can’t get involved where it’s the police, we cannot comment on that. But we can confirm the allegations and he is suspended. The Student Governing Body is dealing with the matter.”

The Department of Education will not tolerate any type of sexual abuse of minors under the care of teachers. Matters of this nature are given the highest priority. An internal investigation into this incident has been launched. At present, it is not known if the schoolboy had permission from his parents to have his penis pierced. It is also not clear what kind of relationship exists between the teacher and the pupil. Perhaps what many would like to know is; whose idea was it for the pupil to get the piercing in the first place?

The department has not yet released the name of the school at which this incident occurred. Parents of children who go to schools in the Pretoria area are crossing their fingers that it’s not the school that their children attend.



  1. zip reeper says:

    i can’t see anything wrong with this. does society now discriminate against body pierced people, people with tattoos, ex-convicts, pervs, fortune tellers and the like? most unfair.

  2. Thabang says:

    He is very sick he has jumped the law (In loco parentis) in educational law

  3. sipho says:

    That teach need serious attention something wrong with that guy sychologicaly.

  4. linda zwane says:

    i think he need conselling bcos in this country we dnt need people like him.

  5. jaybee says:

    Doesn’t anybody think about councelling for the child?

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