Problems at Malema Wedding?

By Oliver Ngwenya    30-Dec-2014 03:35 UTC+02:00 1
Malema and his sweetheart Mantwa Matlala after exchanging their vows in Limpopo. Image: ZimEye

Malema and his sweetheart Mantwa Matlala after exchanging their vows in Limpopo.
Image: ZimEye.

The much talked about wedding of the Economic Freedom Party leader, Julius Malema to his sweetheart has come and gone but there appears to be more questions than answers among members of the public about what is really going on behind the scenes, not only within Malema’s circle of friend but also within the EFF party itself.

Media reports have quoted unnamed sources that have indicated that the wedding has brought to the fore a rift between the firebrand leader and some of his lieutenants notably, Jacob Lebogo and Collins Foromo. It was however, not clear why they had not been invited to the function. However, sources close to the wedding and the party have confirmed that the two would not be attending the wedding as they had not been invited. Two separate sources have indicated that they had not been invited to the wedding. According to one of the sources, this could have been because the two had fought with their leader even though they were not not aware of the reasons of the fall-out. Said one source, “I never thought that his friendship with Malema could end this way. They were friends and were always together” while another added “I don’t know the finer details, but I know that Collins and Jacob fought with Malema and he decided not to invite them to his wedding. I don’t know why they fought.”

Meanwhile, the wedding which has been dubbed the Polokwane Wedding of the year seems to have developed to be better than had initially been anticipated. The word on the street is that Malema’s family had requested that the bride and groom should dance on the street at his house, as is the norm in an African traditional wedding. Neighbours reported seeing a horse and trailer delivering alcohol to Malema’s house.


  1. David Edwards says:

    Funny, she does not seem as happy as him

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