Slain Police Officer’s Body Found

By Smanga Kumalo    18-Jun-2013 15:16 UTC+02:00

Murdered Police Officer.The South African Police Service have released a photo of slain Major General Tirhani Maswanganyi. Maswangayi’s body was found on Tuesday morning bound and dumped in a field along the R101, about 30km north of Pretoria.

His hands and feet were tied together. Police spokesperson Nevile Malila has confirmed the murdered police officer has in the past acted as provincial commissioner.

Malila said the wife of the murdered police officer indicated he left just after 2pm on his way back to Johannesburg where he was cluster commander.

Maswanganyi had 30-years experience in the police service and he was a senior Johannesburg Cluster Commander Major General.

His white bakkie was found abandoned at about 6pm on Monday and it was open. It is reported that the police, on their arrival at the scene, found a uniform as well as an appointment certificate in his vehicle.

According to media reports, he was last seen by his wife leaving their home in the Hammanskraal area at about 2pm on Monday afternoon.

“It doesn’t look like he sustained any stab or gun wounds” explained Malila. The forensic experts are investigating the cause of death.

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