Steenkamps Pleased with Move to Stop Pistorious’s Release

By Brian Harry    24-Aug-2015 12:21 UTC+02:00

Picture: ABC News.

28-year-old fallen paralympian athlete Oscar Pistorious was charged with culpable homicide and was sentenced to a five year jail term by judge Thokozile Masipa for shooting his girlfriend dead through a bathroom door on Valentine’s day at their home in February 2013. So far Pistorious has served exactly ten months in prison and was to be transferred to house arrest on August 21st following his application for parole in June.

However Reeva Steenkamp’s family was not pleased with the decision to rule the case as Culpable homicide but were pleased to hear that Justice and Correctional Services Minister Michael Masutha has opposed the decision of an early release and stated clearly that it was a premature decision.

“It is apparent therefore that the decision to release him on 21 August 2015 was made prematurely on 5 June 2015 when the offender was not eligible to be considered at all,” Masutha’s office said. The Steenkamps clearly wanted Pistorious to remain in jail and they believe Pistorious Shot Reeva because she wanted to leave him.

Barry Steenkamp, father of Reeva, revealed to Sunday Night that, “her bag was packed that night. What came out in court is not the truth. We know what we heard there is not right. Despite all that, Mr Steenkamp says he has forgiven the blade runner for shooting their daughter even though Pistorious says she mistook her for an intruder.

Judge Thokozile Masipa cleared Pistorious off the murder charges in September last year. Prosecutors have challenged the decision, stating that Pistorious should be charged for murder instead of cupable homicide. If Pistorious is then found guilty of murder, he would have to serve a minimum of 15 years in jail. If he is to be freed, he will be released to his rich uncle’s home or serve community service.

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