Articles containing the tag ‘ANC
    By Staff Writer On Tuesday, January 30th, 2024

    The ANC Suspends Jacob Zuma Following His Backing of the MK Party

    The African National Congress (ANC) has suspended its former president Jacob Zuma, a month and half after he announced that he would not be voting for the party and pledged his support for the new Umkhonto Wesi... Read more »
    By Staff Writer On Saturday, December 16th, 2023

    Zuma Says Won’t Vote for the ANC in 2024, Calls on South Africans to Vote for the MK Party

    Former president of South Africa Jacob Zuma has announced that he will neither be campaigning nor voting for the ANC in 2024. Instead, he will be voting for the newly-registered Umkhonto Wesizwe (MK) Party. Zum... Read more »
    By Patrick. M. Sigenu On Friday, November 24th, 2023

    Open Letter to the IEC and Everyone Who Can Read It

    Dear IEC Management Chairperson : Mr. Mosotho Moepya COMMISSIONER : Ms. Janet Love; Mr. Glen Mashinini; : Dr. Nomsa Masuku; Judge. Dhaya Pillay South African National Flag on political logos I am not sure wheth... Read more »
    By Staff Writer On Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021

    2021 Municipal Election Results: ANC and DA Losing Support as Small Parties Grow

    As the municipal election results continue to trickle in, the African National Congress (ANC) and the Democratic Alliance (DA) look set to experience a significant decline in support across the country. With 51... Read more »
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Sunday, June 13th, 2021

    Ramaphosa in the Driving Seat but the Road Is Still Long – Economists

    Despite the fact that Ramaphosa seems to be scoring huge successes both as the president of the country and that of the ANC, there is a lot that he still needs to do before he can get the country out of the woo... Read more »
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Monday, June 7th, 2021

    Mkhize Most Likely to Be Replaced by One of Two Women

    As the skeletons come tumbling out of the cupboards, new brooms are said to be on the ready. This is the picture that has been presented by the news doing the rounds in the political circles as it emmerges that... Read more »
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Monday, May 31st, 2021

    If We Do Not Renew ANC, SA Problems Won’t Be Solved – Mbeki

    Former president of the ANC and the Republic of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, has revealed that he did not campaign for the party that he had led for many years after he was deposed because he did not believe in t... Read more »
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Thursday, May 20th, 2021

    Zuma Camp Hands Over Special Plea: Want Senior Prosecutor Out

    The prosecuting lawyers in the case against the former president, Jacob Zuma, and his co-accused, the Thales company, have indicated that they have received the special plea that the former president had indica... Read more »
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Monday, May 17th, 2021

    Zuma Has His Day in Court But Postponed to Next Wednesday

    Former President of the African National Congress and the Republic of South Africa, Jacob Zuma on Monday appeared before the Pietermaritzburg High Court, where he was facing charges of corruption that are linke... Read more »
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Saturday, May 15th, 2021

    The Ace Court Case: An Ace or a Last Kick?

    It is becoming more and more evident that we may be seeing the last days of Ace Magashule as the country awaits with bated breath the results of the court action that he embarked on with the South Gauteng High ... Read more »