Articles containing the tag ‘Azinga Fuzile
    By Sinethemba Mandyoli On Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018

    Azinga Fuzile Shuts Malcom Klassen in Four Rounds

    In what was one of the most anticipated Sunday evenings in East London, Azinga ‘Goldenboy” Fuzile smashed Malcom Klassen in four rounds. Stone, as Klassen is known, gave his back to his opponent in ... Read more »
    By Sinethemba Mandyoli On Monday, September 11th, 2017


    JUNIOR LIGHTWEIGHT SA Champion Phila Mpontshana International Azinga Fuzile EC 1. Sibusiso Zingange GP 2. Lunga Stimela WC 3 Koos Sibiya L 4 ... Read more »
    By Sinethemba Mandyoli On Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

    Orient Crowd treated to exciting Boxing

    On Sunday the 30 July 2017 the ever electric East London Orient Theatre arena was set alight by three South African title defenses and 7 bouts. One of those defenses featured Cape Town’s Toto Helebe who has n... Read more »