Articles containing the tag ‘Boko Haram
    By Brian Harry On Saturday, July 4th, 2015

    Boko Haram Kills Hundreds and Beheads Members

    Boko Haram is at it again. This time killing nearly 200 people in 48 hours of violence in north eastern Nigeria on Friday and beheading 11 of its own members as told by witnesses. The attacks were staged out fr... Read more »
    By Robert On Tuesday, June 17th, 2014

    Nigeria – Suspected Boko Haram Members Detained

    Nigeria’s military has announced today that it has detained more than 460 people travelling from the country’s North to South, allegedly due to suspicion that the travelers were Boko Haram affiliate... Read more »
    By Robert On Friday, May 30th, 2014

    Boko Haram Powerful; Nigerian Government Claims to Know Whereabouts of Girls

    Boko Haram added another 40 lives to their list of casualties today after attacking a village in the Nigerian state of Borno. The group raided the village, setting most of the homes alight and killing at least ... Read more »
    By Robert On Wednesday, May 21st, 2014

    Boko Haram Claims More Lives In Northeastern Nigeria

    Islamist extremist group, Boko Haram, claimed another thirty lives today when they attacked two villages in the Northeast of Nigeria. The attacks took place near the town of Chibok, where the organisation kidna... Read more »
    By PAW On Monday, September 30th, 2013

    Africa on Terror Alert After Militants Shoot Sleeping Students in Nigeria

    The world is still coming to terms with the violent attack on sleeping students at the College of Agriculture in the Yobe state of Nigeria. A group of militants stormed the college on Sunday morning and all hel... Read more »