Articles containing the tag ‘Carl Pistorius
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Saturday, August 2nd, 2014

    Oscar Pistorius’s Brother Carl Fractures Limbs in N1 Accident

    Carl Pistorius, the elder brother of the murder-accused athlete, Oscar Pistorius, was on Friday seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident along the N1 Freeway. Carl was apparently traveling from Polokwane, ... Read more »
    By Ntokozo Sindane On Thursday, April 25th, 2013

    Carl Pistorius Defence Points Out Holes In State Evidence

    The Pistorius family lawyers are fast building a reputation for methodically tearing the statements of investigating officers apart with their tenacious line of questioning. This time around it was lawyer Kenny... Read more »
    By Ntokozo Sindane On Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

    Carl Pistorius Case Sparks Public Interest

    The Carl Pistorius case has also made headlines both locally and internationally. This is largely due to the media and activity on social networks. But more than anything, Carl’s relationship to Oscar cannot ... Read more »