Articles containing the tag ‘consequences
    By Laikyn Setloboko On Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

    Men of shame

    South Africa is known for its high crime rate against women and children, robbery and sometimes mass killings for muthi purposes in order to gain wealth. I am appalled by the number of men who are arrogant enou... Read more »
    By Julian Meyer On Sunday, February 24th, 2013

    Stuttering Away

    Stuttering has a big impact on your life as a whole. Disagree? Ask any stutterer and they will gladly tell you, if they can get a word out, that stuttering changes and reigns over every part of your life. From ... Read more »
    By Ntokozo Sindane On Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

    Lawyer Reads Oscar Affidavit in Court

    After days of speculation and rumours, Oscar Pistorius gave his account of the events of the morning of Valentine’s Day at his expensive and secure home in Pretoria. Oscar’s lawyer laid out the facts accord... Read more »
    By The Editor On Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

    Global warming threatens Canadian ice hockey tradition

    Source: EcoFriend. Climate change is one of the major environmental threats the world is currently facing. The carbon dioxide that we release into the atmosphere is known to prevent heat from escaping out into ... Read more »