Articles containing the tag ‘grace mugabe
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Sunday, December 7th, 2014

    Mugabe Emerges Stronger From Congress, Grace In!

    President Robert Mugabe emerged a stronger and more sure leader of his party and government from the party’s week long congress which was held in Zimbabwe. The party’s first vice president, Joice Mu... Read more »
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Saturday, October 25th, 2014

    Dr Grace Mugabe Reveals She Wants to be President

    After months of speculation about Dr Grace Mugabe’s ambitions since her sudden and dramatic entry into Zimbabwean politics, she has finally revealed her interest to become the country’s president. G... Read more »
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Monday, August 11th, 2014

    Grace Mugabe Bares Fangs as She Makes her Way into Zimbabwean Politics

    The First Lady in Zimbabwe, Grace Mugabe is set to become the latest addition to the ZANU PF, the top decision making body in Zimbabwe. Grace Mugabe, the wife of 90 year old President Robert Mugabe was, last mo... Read more »
    By Robert On Monday, July 28th, 2014

    Grace Mugabe Nominated For Secretary of Zanu-PF Women’s League

    Grace Mugabe, wife of the current Zimbabwean president, Robert Mugabe, has accepted a unanimous nomination to become secretary of the Zanu-PF Women’s League. The nomination was unanimous, with her recomme... Read more »