Articles containing the tag ‘justice system
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Sunday, May 23rd, 2021

    Zuma Will Have His Day in Court – Ramaphosa

      President Cyril Ramaphosa has said that his predecessor, Jacob Zuma will appear before the nation’s courts and will get a fair trial. The African National Congress president was speaking on France2... Read more »
    By Laikyn Setloboko On Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

    Men of shame

    South Africa is known for its high crime rate against women and children, robbery and sometimes mass killings for muthi purposes in order to gain wealth. I am appalled by the number of men who are arrogant enou... Read more »
    By Ntokozo Sindane On Thursday, March 21st, 2013

    Another Man Dragged By Police Vehicle

    South Africans are faced with the reality that at any time that one is in the custody of the police; one could end up either in hospital or worse, at the mortuary. Yet another senseless incident of police bruta... Read more »