Articles containing the tag ‘killings
    By Chelsea-Summer Lodewyk On Monday, April 6th, 2015

    SAPS denies that suspect has been arrested in N3 cop killings

    The South African Police Services say that a report by News24 claiming that the police had arrested a suspect involved in last week Sunday’s Freeway cop killing in Modderfontein is not true. In the report New... Read more »
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

    Lonmin Strike Set to Continue

    The strike by mine workers affiliated to the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union, which has entered its seventeenth week, looks set to continue amid reports that the employers have resorted to com... Read more »
    By Laikyn Setloboko On Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

    Men of shame

    South Africa is known for its high crime rate against women and children, robbery and sometimes mass killings for muthi purposes in order to gain wealth. I am appalled by the number of men who are arrogant enou... Read more »
    By Thandi On Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

    Stock theft led to the killing of six family members in KZN

    On Saturday morning six family members of the Mkhize family were brutally shot and killed by five gunmen masquerading as the police in Muden, near Greytown in KZN. Five of the victims were brothers and the sixt... Read more »