Articles containing the tag ‘PAYCO
    By Sinethemba Mandyoli On Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

    PAYCO NEC Supports the Axing of Former President Letlapa Mphahlele

    In a statement that PAYCO NEC released they endorsed the NEC’s removal of the former President Letlapa Mphahlele citing reasons such as dictatorship tendencies and his lack of leadership qualities. In a s... Read more »
    By Sinethemba Mandyoli On Tuesday, December 4th, 2012

    PAYCO pledges solidarity with farm workers

    Once again we are tricked into believing that the farm workers’ strike is a question of unlawfulness and wrong doing. Those that control the state and the media seek to undermine the intelligence of our peopl... Read more »
    By Sinethemba Mandyoli On Friday, August 17th, 2012

    PAYCO declares a day of mourning for Marikana massacre

    Sinethemba Mandyoli— The PAYCO in the Western Cape would like to send our deepest and sincerest condolences to the families of the mine workers that died yesterday 16 August 2012. It is our obligations as a m... Read more »
    By Sinethemba Mandyoli On Friday, August 3rd, 2012

    Who is holier than whom between DA and ANC in the 27 schools closure tragedy?

    The Pan Africanist Youth Congress (PAYCO) has expressed concern over the proposed closure of underperforming schools in the Western Cape. Below is an article sent to us by Sinethemba Mandyoli, a member of PAYCO... Read more »