Articles containing the tag ‘petrol
    By Staff Writer On Thursday, June 2nd, 2022

    Fuel Price Increase Triggers National Shutdown Threats in SA

    Thousands of angry South Africans have taken to Twitter to declare their intent to shut down the country in the next few days following hefty fuel price increases on Tuesday midnight. The price of petrol increa... Read more »
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Monday, December 1st, 2014

    Massive Drop in Fuel Price on 3 December

    The Department of Energy in the Republic of a South Africa announced on Friday that the price of petroleum products would decrease from Wednesday the third of December. According to the announcement, the drop w... Read more »
    By Staff Writer On Monday, June 10th, 2013

    UCT Would Not Have Concealed Joseph Khohlokoane’s Results From Employers

    Last week I read about a former UCT student, Joseph Khohlokoane, who finished his degree in 1996 but only graduated on Friday, 7 June 2013 (17 years later) because he could not settle his outstanding fees and ... Read more »
    By Nolwazi Dlamini On Thursday, April 25th, 2013

    A slight sigh of relief for consumers as the petrol price decreases

    Over the past few months, consumers have suffered a strain within their finances due to the constant roller-coaster ride, of the rise and fall of petrol prices. Consumers will be relieved to know that there has... Read more »
    By Smanga Kumalo On Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

    Man sentenced for murder over RDP house

    Smanga Kumalo— Jonhn Lerato Sekhoto (29) was sentenced to 20-years imprisonment for assaulting, killing and burning Ntomikayise Mtshkotshe beyond recognition. “People have no respect but they respect the ... Read more »