Articles containing the tag ‘police commissioner
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

    Pre-election Dramas

    This was literally the last day before the Election Day in South Africa and as can be expected, there were a lot of dramas that were reported on Tuesday. A residing officer in the Independent Electoral Commissi... Read more »
    By Staff Writer On Saturday, October 26th, 2013

    Phiyega Could Be Suspended Pending Investigation into Charges of Defeating the Ends of Justice

    On Friday it surfaced on the media that South African National Police Commissioner General Riah Phiyega is facing charges of defeating the ends of justice and breaching national security after allegedly informi... Read more »
    By Thandi On Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

    Stock theft led to the killing of six family members in KZN

    On Saturday morning six family members of the Mkhize family were brutally shot and killed by five gunmen masquerading as the police in Muden, near Greytown in KZN. Five of the victims were brothers and the sixt... Read more »