Articles containing the tag ‘Rhino Poaching
    By Staff Writer On Sunday, November 24th, 2013

    Rhino Poaching Continues to Escalate in South Africa

    In the recent years the South African government has upped the fight against rhino poaching. However, despite this, statistics show that poaching continues to rise exponentially. The Department of Environmental... Read more »
    By The Editor On Friday, March 16th, 2012

    Number of poached Rhinos in 2012 reaches 120

    Earlier this month we wrote an article about Rhino poaching. The latest stats then showed that 47 Rhinos had been killed by the 14th of February this year. Latest stats show that this number has risen to 120,... Read more »
    By Thandi On Friday, March 2nd, 2012

    Save our Surviving Rhinos

    Rhino poaching in South Africa has been consistently escalating over the past few years despite the government’s attempts to reduce it. Poaching is considered one of the most serious crimes in South Afric... Read more »