Articles containing the tag ‘rubber bullets
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Wednesday, November 12th, 2014

    Attempted Land Grab By EFF Stopped By Police, Condemned By ANC

    It has been reported in the media that some members of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in Nellmaphius in Tshwane made an attempt to grab land in what it refers to as the expropriation of land. In response t... Read more »
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

    Rubber Bullets Fired at NUMSA Strike

    The police had to fire rubber bullets to disperse strikers who were blocking the entrance to the power utility, Eskom’s Medupi Power Station on Thursday. Thursday was the third day of the National Union o... Read more »
    By Smanga Kumalo On Saturday, October 27th, 2012

    Police Fire Rubber Bullets at Marchers

    Smanga Kumalo— The situation was tense at Rusternburg when police and marchers clashed. Police fired rubber bullets and used stun grenades to disperse a group of striking Anglo-American Platinum (Amplats) wor... Read more »