Articles containing the tag ‘Thuli Madonsela
    By Robert On Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

    Jacob Zuma Will Report Back About Nkandla In July

    South African president, Jacob Zuma, has stated that he will provide a report on the Nkandla controversy within the next 30 days. President Zuma has recieved a provisional copy of the Special Investigating Unit... Read more »
    By Robert On Thursday, May 22nd, 2014

    R2bn “Zumaville” Project to be Scrutinized by Public Protector, Thuli Madonsela

    The two billion Rand project, the proposed building of South Africa’s first post-democracy, completely black-built town, formally known as the, “Umlalazi-Nkandla, Smart Growth Centre,” will be... Read more »
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Friday, May 16th, 2014

    The Nkandla Report: Madonsela Dragged to Court

    The Nkandla saga rages on. If the public thought that the conflict between the Public Protector Thuli Madonsela and the government had blown itself over, it appears it has another thought coming. This, after it... Read more »
    By Robert On Thursday, May 15th, 2014

    Nkandla Report – Govt Taking Legal Measures, “unconstitutional”, states Madonsela.

    Government has issued a statement on Thursday saying that it will approach the high court to receive clarity on the Public Protector, Thuli Madonsela’s report on the President’s Nkandla homestead. The Pupli... Read more »
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Thursday, April 24th, 2014

    We Have not Read the Nkandla Report – ANC MPs

    President Jacob Zuma seems to be getting off the hook as regards the Nkandla Saga. This emerged recently when the members of the committee that was set up to look into the president’s response to the Thul... Read more »
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Monday, March 31st, 2014

    Zuma Speaks for the First Time About Nkandla

    The ANC NEC has come out in support of its leader, saying President was still ‘the face of ANC’. This is what the Secretary General of the ruling party said in response to questions by members of th... Read more »
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

    Expenditure on Nkandla was Unconscionable, Excessive & Caused Misappropriation of Public Funds

    The much awaited report on the upgrades to President Zuma’s Nkandla residence which was compiled by the Public Protector was finally presented this afternoon in Gauteng. The Public Protector, Thuli Madons... Read more »
    By Staff Writer On Thursday, December 5th, 2013

    Zuma Could Lose His Job as President After the Release of the Final Nkandla Report

    Recent reports suggest that there is a possibility of President Jacob Zuma being removed from office when the Public Protector Thuli Madonsela releases her final report on the legality of the pricey security up... Read more »
    By PAW On Friday, November 15th, 2013

    Madonsela and Security Cluster Battle not Over

    It looks like the battle is not over for public protector, Thuli Madonsela. The security cluster does not intend to be scared by the public protector’s latest announcement and seem to have come out with b... Read more »
    By Ntokozo Sindane On Monday, August 12th, 2013

    Public Protector Inspects Zuma’s Nkandla Residence

    On Monday, Public Protector Thuli Madonsela visited the subject of her controversial investigation; the home of President Jacob Zuma in Nkandla, KwaZulu-Natal. Her probe relates to the allegations that the pres... Read more »