Articles containing the tag ‘ukraine
    By Oliver Ngwenya On Saturday, July 19th, 2014

    Malaysian Plane: South African on Board, Russia Distances Itself

    The Russian government is blaming the downing of the Malaysian Airliner on the border of Ukraine on Ukraine itself. They said that it was the responsibility of the government of that country. This comes in the ... Read more »
    By Robert On Friday, July 18th, 2014

    Malaysia Flight MH17: Top AIDS Researchers Among Victims

    Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, which was reportedly shot down by a ground to air missile just 40 kilometres short of Ukraine’s Eastern border with Russia, had on it an estimated 100 top AIDS researchers w... Read more »
    By Robert On Thursday, July 17th, 2014

    Malaysia Airline Plane Shot Down Over Ukraine

    A Boeing 777 operated by Malaysia Airlines has allegedly been shot down over the Ukraine border with 295 passengers on board, just hours ago, according to news agency Interfax. Flight MH17 was reportedly flyin... Read more »