Tembisa 10: Mystery Deepens

By Oliver Ngwenya    15-Jun-2021 19:23 UTC+02:00

As the mystery of the decuplets deepens, it has been revealed that the mother of the children has also been looking for the babies herself. According to the authorities at the Steve Biko Academic Hospital, Gosiame Thamara Sithole arrived at the hospital on Saturday looking for the babies and wanting to take care of them.

According to the Steve Biko Academic Hospital CEO, Dr Mathabo Mathebula, Sithole and her sister arrived at the hospital on Saturday and told the hospital staffers that she had given birth to the babies at the Louis Pasteur hospital. She added that the babies were later transferred to Steve Biko Hospital. Mathebula then said that her hospital management had then phoned the management at Louis Pasteur hospital, who professed ignorance about the birth of the decuplets as many other institutions had. Mathebula said that Sithole was then allowed to leave the hospital as she did not need medical attention herself. The agreement, she added, had been that she would return to the hospital on Monday but had not honoured her word. However, Mathebula also revealed that the mother of the decuplets was in contact with the hospital.

To add fuel to the mystery, the father of the children on Monday asked the public to temporarily stop the gifts that they were giving to the children. He said the mother needed to be found first. He had also made indications that there might be a possibility that Sithole, the babies’ mother, might be behind him being denied access to his children.

This, coupled with the fact that it was reported that Gosiame’s relatives had opened a missing person’s case at Tembisa Police Station, has deepened this mystery even further.

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