Ten Arrested For Kidnapping

By Smanga Kumalo    08-Jun-2013 14:30 UTC+02:00

(Johannesburg) – The police have tracked down ten people on Saturday morning in Orange-Farm, South of Johannesburg in connection with kidnapping. It is believed the suspects were arrested after 29 alleged kidnap victims were found in a house in Driezik 5.

Police spokesperson Lieutnant Colonel Katlego Mogale confirmed that police traced the suspects to a house in Driezik 5 in Orange Farm and found the 29 victims, 16 females and 13 males aged between 20 and 30, at the residence.”

According to Mogale, the victims were from Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Nine men and a woman were arrested. Two minibus taxis were also confiscated. The 10 are expected to appear in the Vereeniging Magistrate’s Court soon to face charges of kidnapping.

It is reported that the police were investigating an alleged kidnapping of a woman and her 16-month-old baby at the Beit Bridge border after her husband alerted the police that his wife was held against her will by a group of people. Mogale said, “The group had told the husband that they were in Soweto and that he must deposit money for the safe return of his wife.”

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